difference between a coil and rotary tattoo machine

difference between a coil and rotary tattoo machine
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Tattooing is a growing industry and so the tattoo artists there is great potential in this field. For tattooing, not only skills are important but tattoo machines also play a great role.

There are different types of tattoo guns but two types are very popular coil and rotary tattoo machines. All tattoo artists are familiar with coil and rotary tattoo machines. Since the invention of tattoo machines in the 1800s, there is a debate about the difference between a coil and the rotary tattoo machine.

To settle this debate, one should be familiar with the difference between a coil and rotary tattoo machines.

Coil tattoo machines are most commonly used in tattoo shops but rotary machines have also got popularity recently because of their performance. Both machines have their own qualities but the difference is yet to know between two.

We understand that as a tattoo artist, it might be quite hard to choose a tattoo machine. To choose the best machine, it’s important to analyze the difference between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine.

That’s why this article is all about coil vs. rotary tattoo machines.

Difference between a Coil and Rotary Tattoo Machine

difference between a coil and rotary tattoo machine

Both coil and rotary tattoo machines make great tattoos but with different methods. Coil tattoo machines use electric magnetic current to drive the armature bar while rotary tattoo machines have a more gentle process. But that’s not the only difference between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine. Below, we have explained the major differences between coil and rotary tattoo machines.

Noise Output

One main difference between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine is the Noise output. Coil tattoo machines emit loud buzzing sounds while rotary tattoo machines are pretty quiet. Rotary tattoo machines produce fairly no sound because the inner mechanics of this device are simple as compared to coil machines that produce continuous clicking sound due to the armature bar being released.


Another difference between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine is the weight. Coil tattoo devices have two coils and iron rods inside which makes them heavier than rotary machines. So, if a tattoo artist long sessions, it might be uncomfortable for him to handle a coil machine because of its weight.

On the other hand, rotary tattoo machines are lighter because they operate on a motor. Tattoo artists can work for long hours without getting tired because rotary machines are lightweight.

Motion Quality

Tattoo machines operate by the needle up and down movement that inserts the pigment into the skin dermis layer. The quality of the movement matters a lot because it’s the motion quality that determines the pain or damage to the skin.

Coil tattoo machines operate by an electromagnetic current that is responsible for on and off current and because of this electromagnetic current the needles move in a hammer-like fashion in coil machines.

On the contrary, rotary tattoo machines have better motion quality. As the motor inside the machine constantly runs it gives a consistent up-and-down movement of the machine.

If we conclude the motion quality of rotary vs. coil tattoo machines, we can say that rotary tattoo machines cause less damage to the skin.


Maintenance of the tattoo machines is very important as a clean and maintained machine performs well which results in happy clients.

Talking about maintenance, coil machines are better than rotary tattoo machines as you can easily take apart and clean the coil machines as compared to rotary devices. For better maintenance of rotary machines, you will have to lubricate the machines on regular basis.


When we talk about versatility, we come to know that rotary tattoo machines are more versatile as they can be used for shading and lining both. Whereas, you can use a coil machine either for shading or lining. That’s the reason that tattoo artists mostly prefer rotary machines over the coil.

Needle Range

Another difference between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine is the needle range. Rotary tattoo machines have more fluid needle movement while coil machines use choppier movement.

Rotary vs. Coil Tattoo Machines: General Difference

difference between a coil and rotary tattoo machine

Let’s discuss some general differences between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine.

Coil tattoo machines operate on a set of coils that tattoo artists use to draw intricate shading and lines. This makes the work of tattoo artists easy and they can create customized tattoos. But coil tattoo machines are not recommended for beginners because of their complex operations.

Rotary tattoo machines are lightweight and don’t produce much noise. It is good for beginners as they can easily draw lines and shades because it’s easy to operate rotary machines. But on the other hand, rotary devices are not effective with large needles. But the good thing is that they do less damage to the skin and are excellent for color work.

Coil vs. Rotary Pros and Cons

As we have discussed some major differences between coil and rotary tattoo machines. Let us discuss some pros and cons of these tattoo devices. As we know both machines are better in their own way but each has its own set of pros and cons.


Rotary tattoo machines are quiet. They are simple t use and produce less damage to the skin. Additionally, rotary machines need low maintenance and their needle movement is also fast.

Coil tattoo machines are excellent for intricate line work. Coil machines have large needles so they have punch and recoil. Coil devices also create smooth lines.


  • Rotary tattoo machines lack the punch. Shading might not be that easier with rotary tattoo machines.
  • Coil machines are heavy and they also produce a buzzing noise. These machines also produce more damage to the skin.

Now that you know the difference between a coil and a rotary tattoo machine, also now you are familiar with the pros and cons of these machines. It would be easy for you to make a decision and choose the machine that best suits your needs.


The significant difference between a coil and a rotary machine is that coil guns give more punch and feel like a hammer, while rotary tattoo machines, on the other hand, are more gentle and quiet for the client and artist.

An artist can create shades and lines with a rotary tattoo machine by simply changing the needles. In this way, we can say that rotary tattoo machines are suitable for beginners and have more benefits than coil tattoo guns

Rotary tattoo machines are lightweight, easy to adjust, and can be used for shading and lining. While on the other hand, coil tattoo machines are heavy and require expertise. Therefore, we can say that rotary tattoo machines are better for beginners.


Tattooing is a growing industry and profitable as well. That’s why people are taking an interest in this career. For starting a career as a tattoo artist, a person not only should have skills and certifications, but he also should have a good tattoo machine.

Many types of tattoo machines are available in the market, such as coil and rotary. Anyone who desires to start their career as a tattooist should know the difference between coil and rotary tattoo machines as these two are the main types.

Therefore, we have explained the key difference between coil and rotary tattoo machines in this article for those who have just kick-started their career in tattooing.

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